Some of my ideas weren’t ready for prime time (or, perhaps, I am still not ready for them).
Witness some blog post ideas I wrote down for myself, ever so helpfully, at some point in the last year and a half or so:
- Crickets: do they sleep?
Truly no idea where I was going with this.
- Why do we care about who actors are? I’m enchanted by F. Murray Abraham, Jude Law. I google their personal lives while I watch them pretend to be other people.
This is a true fact but not a terribly interesting one. While I watch TV I tend to compulsively Google the actors and scroll down reliably to the “Personal Life” portion of their Wikipedia page. I get some bizarre kick out of knowing all about their romantic lives, their addictions. Meanwhile, I often find Ian beside me scrolling through the same person’s IMDB page to find out what he recognizes them from. Different strokes.
- Thoughts
- Thought 1: everyone is doing their best
- It may not appear this way
- We don’t know what their best is
- Let’s therefore assume they’re doing their best, with whatever staggering limitations they may, admittedly, suffer from.
- (But this is my problem: I hate villains. Not in the sense that I boo and hiss at them, but in the sense that I cannot bring myself to write or imagine one)
- Sigh
Now, this one is just mystifying. An incoherent list entitled only “thoughts”? The first half looks like the beginnings of a sermon about assuming the best of people, and then it turns into some reflection on how I don’t like to get in the head of villains. What? We’ll never know.
- Jobs that might not exist but that I’d be good at
- Traffic/parking sign editor
- Gah there was another one and it was so good but I didn’t write it down last night, more fool me
- Editing influencers’ content
- Really obscure crossover content generator:
On that last one, I ended with a colon. I think this means I was about to include a funny list within a list, but, alas, I became distracted, and that is the death of the idea. And on point 2, I do remember cracking myself up at an example I’d thought of but, because I did not immediately write it down, it evaporated forever.
Indeed, distractions are many these days. I have just finished baking a pecan pie for tomorrow’s minuscule Thanksgiving, which will consist of far too much food for just two people. I am (as usual) sitting next to the book I’m reading, which is far too scary to read at bedtime, yet which I struggle to read before bedtime because there’s so much Internet to scroll.
Ah, well.
I will continue to keep my little lists. One never knows when one might have its time to shine.