All I have to add is this: we are often given a choice between human lives and property. What will we protect? What will we focus our attention on?
There’s a wrong answer, and it’s property.
But, you may protest, depending on the issue:
- two wrongs don’t make a right!
- they’re detracting from their cause!
- people have to work to live!
- they’re hurting the innocent!
- money doesn’t grow on trees!
- you would feel differently if your property were in jeopardy!
All of them valid points, if you look at them in a vacuum. But looking at them in a vacuum means turning your eyes down and away from the human lives before you.
You protest again: This is a false choice. Human life is unsustainable without money, property, sustenance.
Yes, it is a false choice. The deck is stacked. It makes us miserly and fearful.
A perfect world would be one in which we no longer have to choose between life and property.
A just world is one in which we make the right choice.